Thursday, September 20, 2012

Community College Cautions for Homeschoolers

Because many states pay for community college tuition for qualified high school juniors and seniors, a lot of homeschoolers are jumping on the community college bandwagon to a free 2-year degree. But homeschoolers need to be aware of the potential pitfalls, as well as the possibilities, of a community college education, free or not, before they send their children into that environment.

If, for example, you have ever said that public university is not an option for your family because it does not fit your family values, you probably won't be happy with community college either. As much as many public universities are very liberal, radical, and sometimes offensive, a community college can be even more so.

If you do decide that community college is a possibility for your student, there are some strategies to mitigate these problems. The first thing you can do is to use the buddy system, which is what we did when our sons went to community college. We waited until they were both ready to take classes, and tried to always have them in a classroom together or with one or two other friends.

Another way to avoid bad experiences is to evaluate the professors ahead of time. is a good place to find helpful information. Make sure to look at the comments as well as the ratings, because some students rate professors highly just because they don't give homework, or because they show inappropriate material in class. Make sure that you check the actual reviews on that website.

In addition to using the buddy system and vetting professors, it's a good idea to read the course textbooks in advance, as this will give you a sense of the philosophical bent of the teacher. When he was at community college, my son decided to take a class in music improvisation.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to Nurture and Educate Your Child So They Want to Learn

If you are interested in providing an education to your child in a homeschool environment, it is absolutely essential that you learn how to properly nurture and educate your child so they want to learn. The love and care that we project to our children will determine how they grow up, the values that they place on education and the manner in which they will parent their own children. By having a desire to educate your child in a homeschool classroom, you have already taken a major step in nurturing your child and building a motivation to learn. This is because you are showing an interest in your child's academics and have a desire for them to achieve success in their academics. Throughout this guide, you will be provided with additional tactics on how to nurture and educate your child so that they have a desire to learn and an appreciation towards learning. By taking these steps, you are assisting your child's academic success.

Recognize the Child as an Individual

The first step to nurturing your child so that they have a desire to learn is to nurture them as individuals. According to child development specialists and those that work in medical fields, such as psychology, the passion that we each experience for learning, working and living stems from our innermost being. You should always work with your child in order to assist them in discovering who they are and their individual passions. By doing so, you are cultivating their sense of self-worth. You should strive to encourage your child and express to them that you believe in their talents, skills and dreams. By doing so, you will find that your child starts to believe in their own talents, skills and dreams. When recognizing the child as an individual in the homeschool classroom, you should perform the following steps:

    It is important to encourage your child and to inform them regularly of how proud you are of them and their accomplishments. If a child feels as if they have a unique sense of purpose, they will develop an identity about themselves that is positive. This level of positivity will then turn into productivity when it comes to their education-based tasks. When you observe your child doing a good job at something, you should always praise them. By doing so, you will find that they start to experience higher levels of competence and that they feel valued.

    When nurturing your child to succeed in education and in the homeschool classroom, it is important that you make a point in listening to them and showing an interest in those things that they are passionate about. You should ask them how they feel regularly, inquire about their opinions and even ask for their ideas. If a child feels that you have a true interest in what they feel and the way that they think, they will feel valuable to you and will open up to you more regularly.

    Express to your child that they are special and unique. That the things that they enjoy, the way that they think and their feelings make them an individual. You may even elect to use a homeschool education curriculum that centers on your child's unique traits, interests and characteristics. By doing so, you are nurturing a personality that will have a desire to learn.

The Real World

Many children that are in a homeschool education environment benefit more than their peers that attend traditional academic institutions because of the fact that they often have more knowledge and expertise about what many refer to as the "Real World". If you want to nurture your child in such a way that they are driven to learn and achieve academic success, you may take the following steps:

    You should always set an example for your children when it comes to attitudes and various types of behaviors as far as education is concerned. You should ensure that your child observes your natural passion for learning and working. As a result, they will start to model this passion. Motivating through example is one of the most positive means of building a desire to learn when it comes to kids.

    When educating your child in a homeschool classroom, it is important to utilize standard, everyday activities in life to teach them. All of these activities - regardless of how small or large they are - assist in developing skills and building knowledge. Children may learn about responsibility, consequences, being reliable, how to make decisions and how to develop respect for themselves and others.

    If you elect to homeschool your child, you should always have high, but realistic, expectations for your child. Hard work, self-discipline and the ability to overcome obstacles will build a child's self-confidence and will assist in helping them become more motivated at learning.


The homeschool classroom is quickly becoming the top education choice among parents. It is more than just teaching kids, it is an opportunity for a child to develop as an individual and to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses. Once weaknesses are identified, a child may then turn them into strengths if they are nurtured in such a way that they want to learn. The steps contained in this guide will motivate and encourage children to become excited when it comes to their education. Your involvement should be both positive and proactive. Above all, you should celebrate all accomplishments. By doing so, you will produce a passionate learner that will excel in the homeschool classroom and all other academic endeavors.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

How to Get Your Child Set for Home Schooling

The decision to do home schooling is a serious step to be made by any parent. The effects of the decision would have an impact on your children not just now but in the years to come. This is the reason why it should be considered carefully by any parent first.

Now assuming that you have thought about it thoroughly and you have come to the conclusion that home schooling is going to be the best move for your child, then a lot of work is still to be done. You need to see to it that your child is properly prepared for dealing with what she would be facing with this form of education.

To help you out here are some ideas that you can use in getting your child ready for home schooling:

· First of all, your kids should have been part of the decision making process of going for home schooling. They should not just be surprised with the decision all of a sudden that they have to follow this system. It is important for them to feel that they were part of the process.

· You need to make them see the advantages of the educational system that you have chosen for them. You have to be honest about the way you talk to them about this. Don't try to tell myths about the traditional school system, because once they find the truth they might feel that you betrayed them.

· Let them see the school system near you by taking them there and telling them about how it works. You don't have to do this if your kid has been to school already and you are just switching, though you might have a harder time convincing them of the soundness of your decision.

· You need to start letting them explore what you have in store. Let them read up on related materials so that they can have a feel of what is in store for them. If your kids still has to learn to read then you can try other methods.

· You should start assessing the level and the skill of your child. This is the time to take note of their strength and weaknesses so that you would know where you should concentrate and what subjects should be your priority.

· Let them pick the places where you would be touring. Going to museums and parks should be a part of your home schooling program. This is one way for them to really get to explore how vast the world is.

These are just some of the ways on how you can prepare your kids for home schooling. You should realize however that when it comes to preparation, you would have to do a lot more than your child. You would be the one to teach and so you need more knowledge and confidence.

You cannot just learn how to do home-schooling right away. You need to prepare for it and get things ready so that you can be sure to do things in the proper way.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How to Prepare for Home Schooling Your Kids

Statistics indicate that the number of parents opting to home school their kids is on the rise. That is not surprising, since there are many reports indicating that children who underwent home schooling performs a lot better than those who go to school in a traditional way.

In the past, a majority of parents who home schooled their children did so because of religious or personal beliefs. What they believed in goes directly against the idea of sending their kids with others of their own age to interact freely or it could be that they don't want their kids to be confused with the teaching in schools.

Things have changed now and some parents just go for home schooling because they feel that it is the best move to bring out the best in their kids. If you believe in the same way and you want to try home schooling then it is important that you should know how to properly prepare for it.

Home schooling your kids means that you will be taking on the responsibility of being their teacher. There is no need to emphasize the importance of such a responsibility. It will basically determine if your child will actually be learning or not.

In order to help you out on starting to become a home schooling parent, here are some of the things that you need to do in order to prepare properly for the task:

1. First of all, you need to assess your own ability to teach your kids. Do you feel confident that you can handle that responsibility? If you have your doubts then you should seek the opinion of someone who is an expert on the matter, and when I say an expert, that doesn't mean your friends at work or your neighbor.

2. You need not have a doctorate on some subject in order to teach your kids at home, but it would really be helpful if you have a strong background in education yourself. That would allow you to handle your kid's home education in the right way.

3. Pick the curriculum that you would be following for your kid's education. Read the materials that will be used and make sure that you understand them.

4. Don't stop using the resources that you will be getting. It would help if you study further and use other materials that you can find in order to conduct your research. It is important that you know the subject that you are going to teach by heart.

5. Look for some training where you can get some knowledge on the proper teaching methods especially for children. You can also do it online. There are many resources where you can learn teaching in the proper way.

6. Be confident about yourself. Your kids will feel it when you start to doubt yourself when you are teaching them and that simply would never do. You have to gain their trust and that starts by believing in yourself that you can actually teach your kids.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What Do I Like To Do Business Concepts - I Like Teaching Kids to Learn and Think

Not long ago, I had a fellow writer suggest to me that I should write a number of articles having to do with small business and entrepreneurship on the subject of; "what do I like to do?" Why you ask? Well, he was suggesting that you should do what you like to do in life, and if you're going to start an entrepreneurial endeavor it should be something that you have a passion for. Okay so, let me ask you my readers; what is it that you like to do, what is it you like to do more than anything else? The answers vary from person to person, and they are individual, it's totally in your mind and your decision, no one else can answer those questions for you.

When you ask people these questions, many come up with very interesting answers. One common answer is; "I like teaching kids to learn and think." Now then, I'm sure many teachers today started out with that same passion. So, they grew up, went to school, got their teaching credentials, and now are teaching. Unfortunately, this might be difficult for someone getting out of college today because they are laying-off teachers, and they don't seem to be hiring any new ones. But that doesn't mean you can't do which you love to do. Let's go ahead and talk about this for second shall we?

There are many businesses you can start doing such as doing tutoring, private instruction, coaching, and mentoring kids. One of the most interesting up-and-coming professions might be to become a homeschooling coach or consultant. Some folks wish to teach their own kids at home, but they don't know how, they are a little unsure of themselves, and they need someone to help them along. Then there are homeschooling networks who also hire outside consultants and coaches to help with their groups.

There is more than ample opportunity here and it is a growing sector. This might be somewhere you can hang your hat if you want to start your own business as a solo professional doing teaching, or working in the field. In this case you might be giving seminars to homeschooling parents or helping augment their curriculum by coming in and tutoring the kids, or giving specialized instruction on those things they don't feel comfortable in teaching. For instance, when homeschooling parents get into higher math, or things that they don't feel are their strong suit, they would be glad to have someone come in, and they'd be glad to pay for it.

With the homeschooling networks in the local area often they can afford to pay someone because they are pooling their resources together and enjoying the economies of scale. This means they have money to pay you, and it means you can run your business successfully.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Driving Without Petrol

Would you attempt to drive a car with no petrol?
Then why do 11+ tutors try to do the equivalent with their students?

My wife would look at me with a bemused, confused look of frustration if I slammed my keys on the kitchen counter, and shared my frustration with her at the car not working because of the fact that there is no petrol in the car. Why don't you go to the petrol station? Would be her initial thought...

Yet sitting a student down in front of an eleven plus paper, asking a student to respond to the questions, and then watching them stutter and struggle is of course the exact equivalent. Beware of tutors that start looking at 11+ papers instantly: the metaphorical petrol needs to be provided first!

Fact. You can not make a car work without petrol.
Fact. You can not make a student do well with 11+ papers without prior knowledge.

Students need at least three to four months where their generic English skills are built, where their sentence structure usage is perfected and where they can use punctuation with absolute precision. They need to read many sophisticated books, complete many different elements of differentiated comprehension and perfect their English skills to such a level that the student can sit in front of an 11+ paper with confidence, not dread.

Beware of the tutor that starts looking at papers straight away, sits looking at your child work on them, and then runs through the correct answers: this is not teaching. This is not education. This is someone looking to take your money from you for minimum effort and teaching.

Make sure that your child is actually taught when they prepare for the 11+ plus. Accept no passengers. Make sure that the petrol is in the car before you drive it!

In my experience in life, you are what you are surrounded with. If your child is surrounded by like-minded intelligent young students who want to learn then it will quite clearly have an effect on the mind set of your child. The working ethos inside the class room is absolutely crucial. If parents were to enquire of the one thing that frustrates most teachers, it is the lack of desire to be successful in the classroom by a vast amount of state educated children. If there is no desire, what, truthfully, can teachers do? In actual fact, it is the lack of desire in young students today that appears to be the crucial instigator in poor behaviour. Grammar schools, by their very nature, will be full with students with desire. And that has to be good for your child! The desire to succeed in life is a wonderful attribute to have, and the more your child is surrounded with these kinds of students, the better.